We would like to thank everyone for their generosity as well as Spahn & Rose for providing materials at cost.
There are many people who have donated tools, generators, bottled water, clothing, charcoal, bath towels, food, cleaning & bathroom products, diapers, wipes etc. We also sent a semi load of 2x4, 2x6 and ¾” OSB board.
The materials were delivered to Huntsville Tennessee by Shane Gipe where they awaited their delivery into Ashville. Cleanup needed to be completed as well as foundations needed to be poured. We have worked with New Haven Baptist Church in Oneida Tennessee as well as Mount Sheba Baptist Church in Weaverville North Carolina to assist in the devastated areas. Permitting in some areas has been difficult as well as working with FEMA. Construction has been delayed in many areas because of this. It is anticipated that our construction supplies will be utilized in the month of January.
As progress continues, we will update you all with pictures.
Thank you again for your compassion, support, and generosity!
